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Dubai: Volunteer doctors give free treatment to over 300 patients every Friday

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A team of volunteer doctors and nursing staff continue to provide free medical check-ups and treatments for patients weekly from various parts of the country. The humanitarian programme, ‘Healing with Compassion’, launched by Tadawi Health Group in Dubai during last Ramadan, has decided to continue its initiative throughout the year, receiving patients every Friday at Tadawi Health Centre in Deira, Dubai.

The Tadawi Health Group has treated more than 1,000 needy patients since Ramadan and continues to receive more than 300 patients every Friday.

The group has invited licensed doctors and nursing staff – Emiratis and expatriates – and they now have a total of five regular volunteer doctors in the initiative to accommodate as many patients as possible who cannot afford medical examinations and medications.

One of the volunteer doctors, Dr. Shibny Basheer from India, who has been working with Tadawi for more than two years, told : “This initiative immediately captured my attention due to its profound mission of providing free treatment to those who are in need.”

She added: “I felt a deep sense of admiration for our hospital's commitment to improving community health through such a compassionate initiative.”

This opportunity to contribute her skills and knowledge to the 'Healing with Compassion’ programme resonated deeply with her on a personal and professional level. She shared: “It felt like a profound honour and a true blessing to know that I could play a part in making healthcare more accessible to individuals who might otherwise struggle to afford it.”

“I am supporting this initiative wholeheartedly, knowing that every effort contributes to a healthier and more inclusive community,” Dr Basheer continued.

Another volunteer doctor, Dr. Usman Khan, chose charity work to use his skills to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. He said he wants to address health disparities, and provide quality healthcare to needy patients.

He said: “The fulfilment and purpose derived from helping others in need is invaluable and motivates me to continue striving for excellence in my profession.”

For his part, Rameshchand Balagovindan, clinic manager, said: “We launched this initiative to make a healthy society and provide healthcare for people who cannot afford it.”

He noted they have been receiving more than 300 patients every Friday. Due to the huge numbers received by the centre, it was decided to make special appointments for some cases.

“We decided to take a separate appointment for these cases because we also receive other patients and emergencies,” said Balagovindan, adding: “We never say no to any patient.”

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